# Why people fall in Love ?

The actual reason why people fall in love.

There are very much scientific reason behind this question before know the answer now I will talk about what is love? 

Love is a biological phenomenon and  a complex set of behaviours which grow a strong and positive emotional and mental States which make a bondage between hearts.

But there are some scientific explanation behind this phenomena. There are some hormones which regulate when someone fall in love.

I know that you are now excited to know which hormones are responsible when someone fallen in love .

The chemical basic of love.
Attachment, Attraction and lust .

Attachment: Oxytocin and Vasopressin 
Attraction: Dopamine, Serotonin etc
Lust: Testosterone and Estrogen

Evolutionary physiology has proposed several explanation or theories for love...
There are three major types of hormone which regulate the process. 

1. Oxytocin : Oxytocin has various social and physiological function in brain and the body but is sometime referred to as love hormone as it has a great role in social bonding. Oxytocin is the small 9 amino acid peptide. It helps infants to make a bond to his/her mother. Oxytocin level rise when any human make physiological contact with other one. This hormone is maternal hormone because large amount of heat release during childbirth and milk electrician time and has a great role in  female reproduction.
Chemical structure.

2. Dopamine : dopamine play critical role in control various function like motion behaviour and cognition. Forward in any situation and motivate you to achieve a reward . If you want to increase your dopamine level , you have to do this following things to grow its level in your body ..... First of all you have to eat foods which contain lots of proteins. Listen music, meditate , eat velvet beans and exercise will increase your dopamine  level .

Chemical structure
Chemical structure 
3. Serotonin : It also regulate your mood. It drives anxiety happiness and mood. Physical activity also stimulate serotonin in your brain. Decreasing level in serotonin can lead in depression. Increasing serotonin boost your mood .

What brain do during the break up? 
When a man go through a breakup and when its unexpected then this hormones decreasing in our brain, our muscle tense we lose our appetite ... Your brain chemistry solved a drop in production of dopamine and serotonin which play a critical role in maintaining your happiness.

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