# Top 6 Strange Creatures

Every time we want to study the nature and its system but only 2% that we have gathered knowledge from the nature. Today I will introduce you some peculiar creatures that will make you in wonder ...

Axolotl : They are  known as Mexican walking fish. It is not a fish but amphibian.  It was found in lakes underlying in Mexico City. Without undergoing in metamorphosis they reach adulthood.

Frigate Bird : This types of bird are found across all tropical and subtropical Ocean. Their wings are long and pointed, can span 2-3 mitres . They undergo sexual dimorphism. Females are larger and up to 25% heavier than males. Female have white underbelly and  a distinctive red gular pouch .They inflate during breeding season to attract the female.

Mexican mole - lizard : It is also known as 5 Toed worm lizard. Sometime its looks like a snake. The eat ants, termite, ground during insects and small animals etc . It lives for one or two years. They exhibit their life in Baja sandwich between gulf of California and Pacific Ocean. They are pink worm like lizard and near about 6-7 cm in width. The species is oviparous and female lay eggs  2 to 4 in mid of Summer . They breeds underground and the egg hatch after 2 months.

Flying Fish : By seeing this picture some people will thing that this fish fly over the sky as the birds but they are obviously wrong. The cannot fly as Bird but they fly  above the water surface maximum about 45 second. This type of fish species are very rare type in the world. Their wings like fins appears as a gliding to make considerable distance above the water surface. To escape from their predator  they show this type of behaviour.

Hagfish : Hagfish ,of the class of Myxini also known as Hyperotreti . They have a skull but no vertebral column. They have a pair of moving structures with tooth like projections for pulling off food. The amount of head fish is very peculiar. It has two pair of horny comb  shaped teeth on a cartilaginous plate that protracts and retracts . these teeth are used to graph food and draw it toward the pharynx.

Blob fish : The face of the fish is like human, completed with lips. This creature is known as blob fish . It lives in deep water of sea of the coast of Tasmania and Australia as well as New Zealand. They are typically shorter than 30 centimetre. Near about 420 blob fish left in the world because of overfishing. Blob fish cannot actually swim to capture its prey . It waits for its food to come to its mouth.
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