MARINE LIFE 95% of our ocean have not been explored yet; it is hard not to let your imagination run wild. But thanks to brave explorers deep sea cameras and awesome archaeologist; we do know about some pretty incredible sea creatures living in our waters today from millions of years ago … Life on earth is supported by the surrounding ecological conditions and the natural resources. Continents and oceans are the two major divisions, comprising of all the life and also the ecosystems throughout the world. About 75 % of the earth’ surface is covered with oceanic waters which has a very rich wealth of marine life. The ocean is a major source of food, energy, and mineral resources. Oceans also control the global climate. If we say that land is dominated by plant biomass, then we have to say that animal biomass dominates the oceanic waters. Water-based living environments are called as aquatic ecosystems. Aquatic Ecosystems are classified into two types as freshwater ecosystems and marine